gossiplanka alexa Was Central Bank Ownership Requested From Prime Minister?

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Was Central Bank Ownership Requested From Prime Minister?

w.ue;sf.ka uy nexl= wêm;slu b,a¨‍jdo@
weu;s y¾I o is,ajdf.ka f*ianqla igykla

uy nexl=fõ wêm;s OQrhg m;aflfrkq we;ehs ie,flk mqoa.,hska lsysmfofkl=f.a kï udOH iy iudc udOHcd, Tiafia fï Èkj, me;sfrñka ;sfnkjd' tu kï w;f¾ wd¾Ól úfYaI{hl= jk úfoaY lghq;= ksfhdacH wud;H wdpd¾h y¾I o is,ajd uy;df.a kuo i|yka fjkjd' ta iïnkaOfhka

y¾I o is,ajd uy;d ;u f*ianqla msgqfjys fufia igykla ;nd ;sfnkjd'

˜‍lsisÿ wjia:djl uu uy nexl= wêm;s lrkak lsh, w.ue;s;=udf.ka b,a,d keyeæ fï lsishï msßila Tjqkag wjYH l|jqrlg udj weo oeóug l< W;aidyhla' ta wh úiska úoHq;a ;emE, Tiafia lrk uv m%‍pdrhla fï' uu md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjrfhla f,i ck;djg È.ska È.gu fiajh lrkjd'˜‍

At no time did I ask PM to be Governor of the Central Bank! This is in response to the mud email that seem to be circulatung originated by a desperate group who believe they can force me in to a particular camp they want!
I proposed to serve the people as an MP and the people ovewhelmingly seconded it. So I will continue to do my best as a people's representative for Colombo.

f*ianqla igyfka PdhdrEmhla my;ska
ඔබේ ප්‍රතිචාරය කුමක්ද?
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