gossiplanka alexa The Army Camp Will be Removed withing a Period of two Week and later on land well be Distributed

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The Army Camp Will be Removed withing a Period of two Week and later on land well be Distributed

i;s follska hqo yuqod l|jqr
bj;a lr bvï fokjd

úmlaI kdhl wd¾' iïnkaoka uy;d ls,sfkdÉÑh mrúmrÉpdka hqo yuqod l|jqr i;s foll ld,hla ;=< bj;a fldg thg mjrdf.k we;s isú,a ck;djf.a bvï uq,a whs;slrejkag wdmiq ,ndfok nj mjihs'wLKavj miajeks Èkg;a mrúmrÉpdka hqo yuqod l|jqr bÈßmsg

;u bvï b,a,d úfrdaO;djl ksr; jQ úfrdaO;dlrejka fmf¾od ^17od& iji yuqjQ úmlaI kdhljrhd tf,i mejeiSh'

mrúmrÉpdka hqo yuqod l|jqr bj;a lsÍu iïnkaOfhka wdrlaIl wud;HdxY f,alïjrhd ls,sfkdÉÑh Èia;%sla f,alïjrhd iuÕ idlÉPd lr we;s nj;a wod< .eg¨‍j iïnkaOfhka ckdêm;sjrhd yd w.ue;sjrhd iuÕ idlÉPd lsÍug lghq;= lrk nj;a úmlaI kdhljrhd tys§ mejeiSh' úfrdaO;dlrejka mjikafka ish uq,a bvï mrúmrÉpdka hqo yuqod l|jqrg mjrd .ekSu fya;=fjka ;uka wj;ekaj isák njhs'

hqoaOh ksud ù we;s neúka hqo yuqod l|jqr bj;a fldg ish uq,a bvï kej; ,ndfok f,ig úfrdaO;djg tlajQ mrúmrÉpdka .ïjdiSyq b,a,d isá;s'

úfrdaO;djg tlajQ ck;dj mejeiqfõ wdrlaIl wud;HdxY f,alïjrhd iuÕ idlÉPd lsÍfuka wk;=rej i;s foll ld,hla ;=< ;u bvï ksoyia lrk njg iïnkaoka uy;d ,ndÿka fmdfrdkaÿj yuqfõ ish wLKav úfrdaOh kj;d ouk njhs' b,xf.hs ;ñ,a wriq lÉÑ mlaI kdhl udfõhs fiakdêrdcd" fou< cd;sl ikaOdk md¾,sfïka;= uka;%s tia' Y%S Orka"B' irjknjka" tï' ta' iquka;srka uy;ajreo W;=re m<d;a iNd ksfhdað;fhdao úmlaI kdhlhd iuÕ úfrdaO;dlrejka yuqùug meñK isáhy'
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